Saturday, 10 December 2016

LibreOffice Bug Hunting session 5.3.0 Beta2

BHS LibreOffice
The LibreOffice 5.3 will be announced at the end of the January 2017. As towards the end of the November 2016 (month of LibreOffice), The Document Foundation has organised Bug Hunting Session for its 5.3 Beta version. The BHS (Bug Hunting Session) organized by the QA team on December 9th - 10th, 2016.

Tests will be performed on the Beta version of LibreOffice 5.3, which will be available on the pre-releases server ( a few days before the event. Builds will be available for Linux (DEB and RPM), MacOS and Windows, and will run in parallel with the production version. Do check the link for additional information. Mentors will be available on November 25, 2016, from 8 AM UTC to 10 PM UTC. Of course, hunting bugs will be possible also on other days, as the builds of this particular Beta release (LibreOffice 5.3.0 Beta1) will be available until mid December.

Two dedicated sessions during the day,

1. 3 PM UTC to 5 PM UTC:  To chase bugs on the main LibreOffice modules.
2. 5 PM UTC to 7 PM UTC: To test newly added top 7 features,

Writer Table Styles
Calc OpenXML FIlter
Side Bar
Area Fill Tab ( available in the Style, Paragraph, Area, Page, and Slide dialogs )
Firebird 3.0
GTK in general
Dark Themes in GTK+
Safe Mode ( Can be accessed via Help->Safe Mode; cmd line option --safe-mode, or the windows start menu entry "LibreOffice (Safe Mode)" )

Also, please do check out following link to know more about "How-To's" and "What-To's" Test in LibreOffice.

Friends that's it for now. I hope it's helpful for you and you loved it.
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==>Posted By Yogesh B. Desai

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